
About kirby

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So far kirby has created 122 blog entries.

Ancient Money: The History of Banking and Currency

The history of financial tools is a fascinating topic that takes us back to the earliest civilizations. It reveals a remarkable continuity in financial technology across cultures and epochs, highlighting the importance of these systems in societal development and economic growth. The earliest records [...]

2023-09-01T04:22:05+00:00September 1st, 2023|History|

Should I Convert My 401(k) To A Roth IRA?

Let’s say you’ve just changed jobs. What are you going to do with your 401(k)? You may be able to convert your 401(k) to a Roth IRA, but is that a good option for you? In this article, we’ll talk about what happens when [...]

2023-08-30T13:54:44+00:00August 28th, 2023|Investing, Retirement Income Planning|

Understanding Your Savings Goal – How Much Do You Really Need to Retire?

“How much do I need to retire?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions in the world of retirement finance. If you don’t have a lot of retirement planning experience, it can also be a tough question to answer. This article will [...]

2023-08-14T15:34:22+00:00August 14th, 2023|Retirement Income Planning, Retirement Planning|

Defined-Benefit vs. Defined-Contribution Plans

The following two types of retirement savings methods may sound similar, but there are a lot of important differences that might be useful for you to know if you’re looking to get a better understanding of what retirement might look like for you. Defined-Benefit [...]

2023-07-31T14:43:59+00:00July 31st, 2023|Retirement Income Planning, Retirement Planning|

Remembering Simpler Times to Live a Better Future

For many retirees, reminiscing about their childhood can be a soothing and nostalgic experience. It's a journey back to simpler times when life was less complicated and technology had not yet permeated every aspect of living. Let's take a walk down memory lane and [...]

2023-07-28T05:53:49+00:00July 28th, 2023|Lifestyle|
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