Frequently Asked Questions

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Business Owners Services

At Suncrest Advisors, we provide a complimentary valuation service based on your company financials that provides a great starting point to not only consider the value of your business but to also use those numbers to help you plan for the future. Click here to request your business valuation report today.

First, our experienced team will evaluate your personal and business situation in the context of your lifetime goals. If you are looking to sell the company, we evaluate if that will be to a strategic partner, a strategic buyer, a family member, an unrelated third party, or perhaps bought in installments by key employees or managers who may be ready to take over, or sold to ALL of your employees through a properly structured ESOP. Finally, we evaluate whether there are any other exit strategies worth exploring in special circumstances.

At Suncrest Advisors, our team of professionals will provide you with strategies to reward and keep your key employees, so your bottom line keeps growing. We can explore each key employee and plan accordingly for each person’s unique circumstances or put in place broad employee benefit programs that benefit multiple executives you choose but in the same way. We also can provide comprehensive financial planning services to each key person as a deductible employee benefit in which the employee would engage with our Suncrest Advisors team at little to no cost to them.

There is a way to ensure that all parties, including the next generation, are treated fairly using effective Wealth transfer strategies. This may include life insurance planning and involve complex estate planning in conjunction with an estate attorney and the Suncrest team.

New tax laws could make a significant difference in your business’s current and future financial situation. Our team will walk you through the crucial information to help you and your employees to minimize taxes and keep more of what you earned, both now and in the future.

Our personalized approach to financial planning

The Suncrest Process


Help you to explore and identify your retirement goals

Preliminary Planning

Analyze opportunities to help you reach your retirement goals


Make informed, confident decisions with the support of our experienced advisors


Service your retirement plan over time

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